The creation of hard drives, and along with them modern computers, opened the road to the creation of thin‑film inductive and magneto resistive micro heads for recording information. Hard Disk Drives were created by two scientists – David Thompson and Lyubomyr Romankiv. The latter was born in 1931 in the town of Zhovkva, Ukraine, though now he lives and works in the United States. Romankiv studied at the University of Alberta and received a degree from Massachusetts Institute of Technologies. He is the author of 65 patents. For some time he was the director of the Department of Electrochemical Technologies and Magnetism at the IBM Corporation’s research center. In 1993, Romankiv received the Perkin Medal, and in 1994 the Vittorio de Nora medal and the Morris N. Liebman memorial award. In March 2012, Lyubomyr Romankiv entered the US National Hall of Fame. He is one of ten inventors (along with Steve Jobs) to be awarded this honor.

Andriy Bekh

Project categories: 50 inventions bestowed by Ukraine to the world


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