95th Airborne Brigade. Born on April 4, 1993 in Melnyky village, Cherkasy region.

On January 23, 2015 private Halushka fought alongside with his comrades-in-arms against Russia-backed militants in the vicinity of Spartak village, Donetsk region. He bravely fought against the enemy forces and personally destroyed one militant tank.

On February 16, 2015 a Ukrainian assault team broke through the encirclement of the militants and seized control over an important route for an organized retreat of the Ukrainian military. Owing to private Halushka’s quick thinking, efficient actions and personal example, several firing positions of Russia-backed militants were destroyed and the Ukrainian Army came to dominate the area. Although private was wounded in action, he refused to be evacuated. Instead, he continued to perform military duties, showing extraordinary selflessness and allegiance to the Ukrainian cause.

Private Halushka was awarded with Order for Courage for his patriotism and bravery in defending the national sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine by the Decree No.108/2015 dated February 26, 2015 of the President of Ukraine “On decorating with Ukraine’s state awards.”

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